Most home purchasers will experience difficulty getting their home insured when Knob & Tube wiring is found to be present. The purpose of this article is to remove some of the myths surrounding this topic & share some facts.
- You should be aware that there is no ground wire in a Knob & Tube wiring circuit, which may be an issue for today’s lifestyle, high electricity usage and technology.
- Knob & Tube Wiring is only rated for 15 Amps, it should be protected by a 15 Amp fuse or circuit breaker. Devices rated for more than 15 Amps cannot be used with Knob & Tube wiring.
- If three pin devices are to be used on a Knob & tube outlet, then it is recommended that a GFI be installed.
- Also, there are potential fire hazards with the break down of the insulation around the knob and tube wiring that comes with age, and should the black and white wires make contact.
If you purchase a home in the Toronto area where knob and tube wiring is still part of the electrical circuit, ask your realtor & your insurance company for advice on securing insurance before the deal firms up. Insurance companies will often ask you to estimate the percentage of knob & tube wiring that exists in the property before making a decision on insuring the property. This will help to mitigate any insurance problems when the closing date approaches.
Homeowners who are planning to modify their knob and tube wiring, or any other electrical wiring, should have the work performed by a licensed electrical contractor or electrician and arrange for an electrical inspection by Electrical Safety Authority.
• Knob & Tube wiring is unsafe.
• All knob and tube wiring must be disconnected and replaced.
• The Ontario Electrical Safety Code no longer recognizes knob and tube wiring as an acceptable wiring method.
• Knob & Tube wiring is safe, provided it is properly maintained by competent licensed people as outlined above.
• The Electrical Safety Authority as well as the Ontario Electrical Safety Code recognize and accept knob and tube wiring methods.
• The Ontario Electrical Safety Code 2002 edition contains rules that govern the installation of open type wiring methods (knob & tube). Rules 12-200 to 12-224 set out the minimum safety standards for the installation of open wiring, which may still be installed to this day.